
QA cheat sheet: how to test Flutter applications
# Development20 february 2024

PWA vs Native: a checklist to help you choose
# Development14 september 2023

Rules for launching an MVP: laying the foundation for a new product
# Development07 march 2023
# Development 24 november 2022

Run an MVP? Hold my beer

Alexey Polovinkin

Турбулентность на рынке: как создать востребованный продукт в условиях неопределенности
# Development02 june 2022

Как оптимизировать скорость сайта с помощью Google PageSpeed
# Development21 june 2021
# Development 05 march 2021

ML-решения для консервативного ресторанного бизнеса

Ivan Antipin
# Development 03 march 2021

Digital Products and Machine Learning

Andrey Ryzhkin

Let's Test an Android App Properly
# Development27 november 2020
# Development 24 november 2020

Building Complex Screens, from Layout to Navigation

Igor Vedeneev

Action and BindingTarget in ReactiveSwift
# Development19 october 2020
How to Add Animation to the Website Without Annoying the User
Lessons Learned from Agile Transformation, or How We Figured out Planning and Management from Scratch

News from Apple: WWDС 2020
# Development08 july 2020
# Development 02 august 2019

Deployment for Every Day: Integrated Security Control

Alexey Klinov
# Development 13 june 2019

How to Become a Mobile Developer

Igor Vedeneev
# Development 12 june 2019

Processing Web Forms in php

Boris Kozub
# Development 11 june 2019

Approaches to Architecture in iOS Apps

Igor Vedeneev
# Development 05 june 2019

The Art of Communication in a Teamlead's Work

Ivan Mikheev
# Development 30 may 2019

The Secrets of Top-Grade Development

Pavel Iovlev
# Development 08 april 2019

Using Firebase for Mobile Development

Dmitriy Shaslov
# Development 14 january 2019

Using Firebase for Mobile Development

Dmitriy Shaslov
# Development 12 december 2018

RIW-2018: Inhouse vs Outsource: Is Product Development Possible with Outsource Production?

Andrey Ryzhkin
# Development 08 november 2018

How to Become a Teamlead

Andrey Ryzhkin
# Development 18 april 2018

How to Structure Your Development for Truly Complex Projects

Andrey Ryzhkin
# Development 08 february 2018

The Knowledge Set Necessary for a True Teamlead

Ivan Mikheev
# Development 15 november 2017

From a Transformation of Consciousness to a Conscious Transformation / IT Transformation: Challenges and Trends

Andrey Ryzhkin
# Development 28 june 2017

The Bloody Era of Web-Driven Enterprise

Andrey Ryzhkin
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