
# Analytics 29 december 2022

Website and publisher's app: The good,the bad and the ugly

Oleg Korolev
# Analytics 02 december 2022

Our approach to building self-service analytics

Olga Tatarinova

От погружения в задачу до юзабилити-тестирования: как использовать аналитику в дизайне
# Analytics19 october 2020
# Analytics 24 september 2020

How to Properly Test Digital Product Hypotheses When Implementing New Features

Oleg Rudakov

Design with No Research: Several "How Not To" Case Studies and Lessons Learned
# Analytics22 september 2020

Why Designers Should Be on Good Terms with Analytics
# Analytics10 september 2020

How We Created the New Komsomolskaya Pravda Website
# Analytics24 august 2020
# Analytics 30 june 2020

App Information Safety

Alexey Klinov
Time for FIX-PRICE Contracts
# Analytics 12 april 2020

How to Combine Quantitative and Qualitative Studies to Form a Product Feature Backlog

Oleg Rudakov

Q&A: How Panel Surveys Impact Product Life
# Analytics12 september 2019

Strategic Planning in UX/CX Projects
# Analytics24 august 2019
Mobile App Analytics with Business Benefits

The Data-Driven Approach: the Silver Bullet or the Same Old Story in a New Wrapper?
# Analytics13 december 2018
# Analytics 18 april 2018

What Prevents Bringing New People into Loyalty Programs?

Sergey Filatov

Media Metrics: Marketing Tools for Analyzing Media Performance
# Analytics30 may 2017
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