
Главный по дизайну в AGIMA Костя Кислейко рассказывает, о чем нужно помнить, если руководишь творческим коллективом.
# Design22 december 2021

 How to Brew Yourself a Nice, Tight-Knit Design Team

Как сварить крепкую дизайн-команду
# Design03 december 2020
# Design 26 november 2020

Involvement and Uncertainty

Grigory Kochenov

How We Created the New Komsomolskaya Pravda Website

How We Created the New Komsomolskaya Pravda Website
# Analytics24 august 2020
# Design 28 july 2020

Digital Service Design: How to Create an Automated Business in Times of Crisis

Grigory Kochenov
# Design 10 september 2019

VR for Designers and Illustrators Today

Grigory Kochenov
# Design 21 august 2019

What Designers Learn at Our Studio

Konstantin Kisleiko
# Design 20 august 2019

How to Use Metrics for Boosting Design Quality

Dmitriy Podluzhnyy
# Design 13 june 2019

"Wandering Doors" and Where They Lure Designers

Leonid Nikulin
# Design 30 march 2019

Let's Build a Mobile App: the First Steps

Leonid Nikulin

Nine Web Design Trends: Here

Nine Web Design Trends: Here's What You Definitely Shouldn't Do
# Design14 february 2019

How to Quit Web Design and Go Mobile

How to Quit Web Design and Go Mobile
# Design02 august 2018
# Design 15 november 2017

VR Through a Child's Eyes

Grigory Kochenov
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